Discover Daily Positive Affirmations That Help With Personal Growth
(Including How To Write Affirmations)

Positive affirmation is the process of asserting optimistic phrases and statements about oneself. These statements have significantly improved the lives of people struggling with or facing difficult situations. Affirmations have improved quality of life by enabling people to achieve their goals, improve their mood, eradicate depression and attain self-worth. Therefore, it is essential for people to practice self-affirmation to ensure that they are derailed by negative thoughts that could be detrimental to their lives.

how to write positive affirmations

What Are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations may be defined as hopeful or optimistic statements or phrases people repeat. These statements are utilized to manifest the experiences, dreams, or goals individuals desire. They are hailed like magic in certain circles and perceived to be pseudoscience in various circles. It is still unestablished if positive affirmations create energy or vibrations that aid human beings in manifesting their desires.

However, affirmations certainly entail and depend on various scientifically researched psychological processes. According to neuroplasticity studies, focusing on a dream, idea, or dream aids in strengthening brain regions. Therefore, positive affirmations aid in strengthening a person’s positive neural pathways, which decreases the dependence on negative.

Why Positive Affirmations Work?

Scientific studies have proven positive affirmations and offered different theoretical backgrounds on why they work. Neuroscientific studies have shown that various neural pathways increase when an individual practices self-affirmation. Specifically, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which is involved in self-related and positive valuation, increases its activity when an individual considers personal values. Scholars have argued that when an individual decides to practice positive affirmation, one enhances their ability to perceive information that could be threatening as more valuable and self-relevant.

Positive affirmation works by encouraging an optimistic mindset. Enhancing optimism reduces negative thoughts and focuses on pursuing positive thoughts and feelings. Once an individual can eradicate negative thoughts and replace them with positive phrases and perspectives, it is easy to construct more hopeful and adaptive narratives regarding what one can accomplish and who they are. Notably, the notion of affirmation as a way of introducing adaptive and new cognitive processes is widely reported under the cognitive restructuring premises.

How Long Does It Take For Affirmations To Work?

A person who consistently applies positive affirmations may notice differences in motivation, enthusiasm, and mood after 22 days. Nonetheless, it may take up to 60 days or more to see the effect on one’s goals and mindset. The primary reason affirmations may take a significant amount of time is th4 subconscious mind. The subconscious mind dominates about 95% of one’s life and is responsible for thoughts, emotions, beliefs, rituals, and habits. The human subconscious mind is developed from birth to age seven to nine. After development, it solidifies until one reaches31 years. Over the solidifying years, the subconscious mind hardens and is hard to break. As a result, information that gets to the subconscious mind during childhood significantly impacts one’s decision-making process, even in adulthood.

Thus, it is difficult for one to restructure or reprogram the subconscious mind during adulthood using affirmations. The subconscious mind is considered stubborn and has high resistance levels to any form of change. It controls an individual’s feelings and life and is comfortable with a routine it is used to, hindering willingness to change. It fails to accept or listen to affirmations one is trying to impress it with. Therefore, positive affirmations may take longer to work in people of older ages. However, positive affirmations work after a short duration in people at younger ages due to the compliance and flexibility of the subconscious mind.

What Are The Benefits of Affirmations?

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  1. Reducing Health-deteriorating Stress

    Neuroscientists have argued that one word can impact the expression of genes regulating emotional and physical stress. Contrary to the commonly held notion, stress is not necessarily bad. Stress could encourage or motivate one to attain a specific change. Nonetheless, chronic stress increases the likelihood of suffering from health problems like heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, positive affirmation aids one reduce the risks of developing chronic stress hence reducing the probability of suffering from health issues.

  2. Controls Self-sabotaging Speech And Thoughts

    Self-sabotaging ideas and thoughts result in self-defeating or harmful speech that may lead to resistance to life-enhancing changes. Such thoughts emanate from one’s inner vital voice, which tries to convince that on incapable of attaining their dreams. Belief in this inner dialogue could leave an individual depressed, underserving, unworthy, or sad. Studies show that timely positive affirmations offer empowerment in shifting any negative internal narratives. Additionally, one indulges in positive talking through positive affirmation, working towards the desired life.

  3. Reduces Anxiety

    Often, people struggle with worrying or overthinking about different things they lack control over or cannot change. Additionally, people tend to expect the worst outcome, also known as catastrophizing. Such habits or thoughts result in panic or anxiety, which could eventually become a disorder. Many people reduce their panic and anxiety by replacing adverse thoughts with positive ones. Studies show that positive affirmations constitute a significant intervention when treating individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

  4. Improves Mood

    Low mood for a long duration may b a sign of depression and could interfere with one’s quality of life. However, using affirmations could alter one’s point of view, enhancing mood and relieving depression symptoms. Experts argue that positive affirmation could also aid in managing adverse thinking related to depression. Affirmations aid as they offer or encourage a broader perspective of one’s present situation or themselves.

  5. Enhances Self-esteem

    Self-esteem is one’s sense of self-worth and self-image. Individuals struggling with low levels of self-worth tend to be less motivated to work on their dreams and goals. As a result, they have a high probability of engaging in unhealthy coping behaviors. The repetition of positive affirmations creates a defense wall around an individual, enabling them to resist self-eroding thoughts and feelings. Scholars report that people who practice affirmations have higher activity levels in brain regions that facilitate recognition of self-worth.

  6. Changes Outcomes

    Speaking and thinking with optimism when facing confronting information or situations may result in positive results. Experts argue that exercising positive flings and thoughts could change an individual’s reality. The affirmation that a result will be different than the initial anticipation offers motivation to act in a manner resulting in a pleasant outcome.

How To Write Affirmations

The following points could aid in writing affirmation statements that suit one’s needs:

  1. Write Specific Affirmations

    Keep the affirmations as specific as possible. Think about aspects in your life that your not happy with or just want change. One should write down behaviors or areas one intends to work on and those compatible with personal values.

  2. Write Measurable Affirmations

    Write affirmations that you can look back on and reflect change has occured.

  3. Write Achievable Affirmations

    Keep your affirmation within realistic reach of achievement. It will work with you when you start achieving your affirmation, just like any goal completed.

  4. Write Revelant Affirmations

    Write the affirmations that are about you or your life. You will have more success in your positive affirmations when you have control.

  5. Write Time-bound Affirmations

    Write the affirmations in the present tense to ensure they appear to be already happening. This aids in creating the belief that the phrase is accurate as at the present.

  6. Believe Your Affirmations

    You should also say the affirmations with a feeling. Affirmations tend to be effective if they have some emotional weight since it makes them meaningful to the person.

Positive Affirmation Quotes

Postive affimation examples coming soon

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