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Wheel of Business
How happy are you with your overall products or services?
With 1 your dissatisfied to 10 your satisfied
What is your biggest strength in your products/services?
What's stops you achieving a 10 in products or services?
Product Result
Product 0-2
There is a big difference between where your health is now and where you know it needs to be to live the kind of life you want. Without a question, this is the area you should focus on initially; your journey begins with your physical body. Why? Because your body is more effective the greater your energy level is. The better you feel and the more you will use your skills to create exceptional achievements, the more efficient your body will be.
Product 3-5
You've said that there's a difference between your current state and the amount of health and energy you want. Think about the cause for a moment. Is your diet plan not being followed as it should be? Are you allowing your daily bustle to keep you from receiving the exercise you need to stay strong? Separate the issues, then deal with each one separately.
Product 6-8
You're succeeding well in a field that, even for Matt Black, is really difficult for most people. Even if you currently have a high level of health and energy, think about making minor changes to your diet and activities, such adding a weekly flexibility and toning session to your workout regimen. Peak performance may be attained with even the slightest improvements over time.
Product 9-10
You are the role model for others since you are not only physically strong but also healthy, and it is obvious. Congratulations on taking the best possible care of yourself, whether that means maintaining a healthy diet or engaging in regular exercise. You have the power to play the game of life to the fullest. Keep going!
How happy are you with your overall strategy?
With 1 your dissatisfied to 10 your satisfied
How does this score on strategy make you feel?
What's stops you achieving a 10 in strategy?
Strategy Result
Strategy 0-2
Your current everyday emotional state and where you need to go are clearly out of sync. It's time to investigate what is generating this gap in more detail. Do you have pain every day? Are you blaming a situation you don't think you have any control over for that? Keep in mind that if you act in the same manner as you always have, you will receive the same results. It's time to move decisively if you want to regain control of your life and mental well-being.
Strategy 3-5
On a daily level, you're managing okay, but you're aware that they might be lot better. You can feel as though a number of conditions or a single significant roadblock are holding you back. Remember that your greatest gift can only emerge from your darkest agony when you take control of the meaning. You may build a new universe for yourself and the people you care about once you understand how to give everything in your life a positive significance. It only takes a small mental adjustment to completely alter everything.
Strategy 6-8
Even if you've made progress, you can still do more when it comes to giving the events in your life a strong, positive meaning. Keep in mind that beliefs have the ability to both build and destroy. Humans have the amazing capacity to interpret every experience in their life in such a way as to either empower them or practically save their lives.
Strategy 9-10
What a fantastic achievement! You've mastered the art of taking charge of your life rather than allowing it to dominate you. You've come to understand that the key to happiness and emotional health is learning how to control your pain and pleasure rather than allowing them to control you. You understand that life happens to you, not for you. One of the greatest talents on earth is the ability to give occurrences in your life a purpose that will support you rather than work against you.
How would you rate your overall Marketing?
With 1 your dissatisfied to 10 your satisfied
How does this score on marketing make you feel?
What's stops you achieving a 10 in Marketing?
Marketing Result
Marketing 0-2
Your current romantic situation is far different from where you want it to be. Don't give up, however! You'd be shocked by the number of individuals who are unhappy in their relationships yet do nothing to fix it or move towards a more fulfilling one. Think about changing your viewpoint such that giving comes before taking. The majority of individuals look for someone who will make them feel good when they begin a relationship because they want to get something from it. The only way a relationship will actually continue is if you perceive it as a place where you go to give, not a place where you go to receive. Try it!
Marketing 3-5
Can you recall the initial stages of your relationship? You put on your finest act and did your best to please; you took time to consider their needs and how to make them the happiest they've ever been. There won't be an end if you carry on as you did at the beginning of the relationship. Relationships that are extraordinary, loving, and intimate end because of a lack of closeness rather than a lack of love. Take the necessary action to keep the valuable connection you worked so hard to establish.
Marketing 6-8
There is a slight difference between where you are now and where you want to go with your spouse, despite the strength of your connection. First of all, congrats on acknowledging the need for change! If they were in your shoes, most people would just say, "It's good enough," and keep on. But, you are aware that there are little things you can do to increase its desire and love. This is one Exchange your demands for respect. Focus on the things your partner does for which you are most thankful rather than the tiny things they do or fail to do that annoy you. Your entire outlook will shift in an instant!
Marketing 9-10
You are one of a select few people who are in a devoted, passionate relationship with someone who makes you feel like you have a genuine life partner and who provides you far more joy than pain. You are aware that the quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life, and you have demonstrated that awareness by devoting time and effort to building a solid, loving relationship with another person.
How would you rate your overall Sales?
With 1 your dissatisfied to 10 your satisfied
How does this score on Sales make you feel?
What's stops you achieving a 10 in Sales?
Sales Result
Sales 0-2
Are you prone to distraction? Do you have faith that your daily routine will help you accomplish your goals? We need to alter our behaviours if we wish to transform our life. Take a thorough look at what you do every day before trying to modify how productive you are. Put it in writing. Follow it. Analyze it. Examine how it affects your desired outcome. Remove it if it isn't useful to you. It's time to adopt a new strategy for your personal and professional productivity since whatever you're doing right now is ineffective. Yet a blank slate is the ideal place to begin.
Sales 3-5
You may still improve in this area, which can be a result of your lack of dedication to your objectives. The main influence is our degree of dedication, even if we frequently believe it to be about our talent, experience, funding, network, or starting place. All of these things are important, though. And the level of dedication increases as the goal does. Establish your mission and vision clearly, and then list the steps you must take to fulfil those objectives. then go to execute! When in doubt, it's often best to stick with what you know.
Sales 6-8
You consistently succeed in creating a result, but what type of outcome? Does the outcome you get each day come close to meeting your expectations for quality and quantity? Most likely, you're not as good as you might be. And the cause of it could not be your execution; rather, it's probably a lack of vision on your part. Most individuals underestimate their ability to do something in a decade and overestimate it in a year. Have a vision rather than just a strategy. Plans frequently change, but create a purpose and a vision for your future self. Before you have a plan for your life, you cannot have a plan for your day.
Sales 9-10
Wow, very fantastic. Since they constantly feel like there was something on their to-do list that they didn't cross off, very few people have such a high degree of satisfaction with their personal and professional productivity. Nevertheless, you've gone a step further: It's possible that you don't even have a to-do list. You deal with results rather than a list of chores because you have perfected the art of accomplishing them. And to perform it each day? That's incredible! After all, it is what we continuously do that determines our fate, not what we do sometimes.
How would you rate your overall Operations?
With 1 your dissatisfied to 10 your satisfied
How does this score on operations make you feel?
What's stops you achieving a 10 in Operations?
Operations Result
Operations 0-2
Are you feeling wholly unsatisfied with your career? If you want your work life to be where you want it to be, there is a gap that has to be filled. Maybe you don't have a motivational objective! Make a plan for your ideal career—one that inspires you and makes you genuinely happy. Then concentrate on achieving that objective because attention attracts energy. We seldom direct our concentration or concentrate our force, which is one reason why so few of us succeed in achieving what we actually desire. Most individuals fumble through life without ever deciding to become experts at anything. This is the time to focus on what you desire and go after it!
Operations 3-5
You've voiced some discontent with your professional status as it stands, and while there are several potential causes for this, it's probably because your expectations aren't high enough. For instance, it is not your industry or the economy if you are not satisfied with your current income. Really, it is the outcome of your standards. Raising your expectations is the first thing you should do if you truly want to change. When people ask Tony what truly altered his life, he replies that altering the standards he set for himself was by far the most crucial shift. He made a list of everything he would no longer tolerate. He made a list of everything he would no longer put up with in his life, everything he wouldn't put up with, and everything he wanted to become. You might be shocked at what you do next if you try it for yourself.
Operations 6-8
Have you ever heard someone remark, "I live to work, not work to live," and instantly felt envious that you could relate to that sentiment? Overall, it seems like you are content with your work choice and have achieved a few, if not dozens, of noteworthy goals. But are you actually happy? Do you feel it is your life's purpose to carry out the task you undertake each day when you report to work? Does time pass quickly? If not, you need to start doing something to make your life's job truly meaningful and important to you.
Operations 9-10
Congrats on obtaining a high degree of professional achievement. It also appears like you have a genuine sense of fulfilment in your work. If you're like Tony, you've certainly encountered some significant challenges in the past, but you've come to recognise that those challenges were really building the groundwork for the insights that led to the new standard of life that you currently experience. Instead of "majoring in trivial things," you've developed a solid, narrowly-focused profession that is more than simply work; it's a purpose that gives your employment real joy and greater significance.
How would you rate your overall Finance?
With 1 your dissatisfied to 10 your satisfied
How does this score on Finance make you feel?
What's stops you achieving a 10 in Finance?
Finance Result
Finance 0-2
The only thing preventing you from achieving your goals in terms of finances, like anything else, is the story you keep telling yourself. I am unable to save money. "I owe too much money," "Whatever money I would have saved for retirement now goes into the college fund for my children." "I suffered so much loss in the divorce." You tell yourself all of these tales, and you need to stop believing the ones that hold you back. The first step is to alter your approach because, no matter how optimistic you are or how diligently you work at it, if you are sprinting east in search of a sunset, it will not succeed.<br><br>Paying yourself first is a sound financial plan that you should always follow to start utilising the power of compounding. You must ascertain your true desires, cut out unnecessary spending, establish attainable goals, and develop a plan to get there. Finally, release yourself from your tales and alter your state. You won't have the motivation to accomplish your goals if you are continually upset, overwhelmed, or frustrated. Try to find a method to rest. Your ability to carry out your financial strategy effectively depends on your mental and emotional health.
Finance 3-5
Your current financial situation and what you eventually want seem to differ. Whether you believe you've been dealt a poor hand, are drowning in debt, or haven't had the same possibilities in your work or investments as others to amass riches. Stop doing that thought right now! As Matt constantly says, luck is the result of planning and action coming together. Perhaps you haven't had as many chances as others... but, how ready are you? The finest preparation you can have when it comes to creating a money machine and positioning yourself for financial independence is knowledge. How did billionaires get to that level of wealth? They prepared with knowledge and resources, and then opportunity presented itself. Get a fiduciary as soon as possible. Unlike brokers and financial advisors, who are merely supposed to provide you with "appropriate" advice, a fiduciary is legally obligated to put your needs above their own.
Finance 6-8
While you are typically happy with your achievements and the financial future you have built for yourself, you are aware that there is still room for improvement. Perhaps you've amassed a sizeable nest fund and are on pace to continue earning money long after you've finished working. But do you understand the tactics used by the wealthiest 0.001% and have you used them in your own portfolio? And does your money actually make you happier, in other words, does it serve you? Are you utilising it to live a fuller life? If you want to bridge the little gap between where you are right now and where you want to go, you should be asking yourself some of these questions.
Finance 9-10
Congratulations! You've said that the financial gap between where you are now and where you aspire to go is little to nonexistent. That's a tremendous accomplishment, and it probably signifies two things: 1) Built a money machine that has guaranteed your financial independence; and 2) Adopted an abundant attitude. You are also aware that life is more about feeling than it is about money. What we actually want are the places money can take us, the time, freedom, and opportunities money can provide. It's time to express gratitude now. What was a fantasy that is now a reality in yo ur life? What was a wish you once had that, at the time, seemed challenging or unattainable but is now a reality in your life? Spend a time expressing gratitude for it.
How would you rate your overall Leadership?
With 1 your dissatisfied to 10 your satisfied
How does this score on Leardership make you feel?
What's stops you achieving a 10 in Leardership?
Leardership Result
Leardership 0-2
You are not alone in feeling like there is a significant gap between the amount of contribution they are making now and where they want to go; even the most well-known philanthropists and respected corporate and political leaders on the planet have experienced this. The most essential thing is to be aware of your desire to improve your score in this area and to value it highly enough to do so. So how do you accomplish this? A genuine leader owns themselves and their behaviours in a way that cannot be compared to how they are with others, therefore start with conquering your own psyche. Discover the tactics and methods that will enable you to fulfil your leadership potential, then put them into practise right now. You'll soon discover how amazing it is to effect long-lasting, constructive change in others. Use that emotion to motivate you to keep doing it again and over again. Before long, you will come to the realisation that only those who have truly understood the value of genuine, unselfish service are able to find true contentment in life.
Leardership 3-5
What prevents you from being the genuine leader that you are? from assisting others and making a positive impact on society? Maybe you don't think you have enough to give back because you don't feel like you have enough yourself. Well, the majority of individuals never feel comfortable because they are always afraid of losing their jobs, their money, their spouses, their health, and so on. The only genuine security in life comes from understanding that you are always developing yourself, raising the bar of who you are, and adding value to your organisation, friends, and family. And the biggest reward appears when you are kind in hard times. Why? You will tell your brain that there is more than enough if you contribute, even when you feel like you have very little. You may make the transition from a world of scarcity to one of abundance.
Leardership 6-8
Are you a leader in your own mind? Someone who comprehends human motivations and how to maximise impact on others and on oneself to realise a better vision for humanity at every level? By this criteria, you might not, but that is the first step to narrowing the slight discrepancy between your current impact level and where you know, deep down, it should be. Your communication style is one of the minor adjustments you may make to the way you offer to others. You can improve your performance by two millimetres by doing things like developing rapport, interpreting body language, and employing empowering terminology. You will gain from it as well! The quality of our life is ultimately determined by how we interact with others and with ourselves.
Leardership 9-10
You come to mind when other people hear the word "leader." You have developed the capacity to make an immediate impression and inspire others to change for the better over time. It's a rare talent, so treasure it! And most importantly, put it to use. If you do not routinely train it, it will deteriorate much like a muscle. As this is one of your strengths, you are well equipped to help others. If you keep giving, you'll keep experiencing the happiness and fulfilment you are right now for a very long time.
How would you rate your overall Innovation?
With 1 your dissatisfied to 10 your satisfied
How does this score on Innovation make you feel?
What's stops you achieving a 10 in Innovation?
Innovation Result
Innovation 0-2
You are not alone in feeling like there is a significant gap between the amount of contribution they are making now and where they want to go; even the most well-known philanthropists and respected corporate and political leaders on the planet have experienced this. The most essential thing is to be aware of your desire to improve your score in this area and to value it highly enough to do so. So how do you accomplish this? A genuine leader owns themselves and their behaviours in a way that cannot be compared to how they are with others, therefore start with conquering your own psyche. Discover the tactics and methods that will enable you to fulfil your leadership potential, then put them into practise right now. You'll soon discover how amazing it is to effect long-lasting, constructive change in others. Use that emotion to motivate you to keep doing it again and over again. Before long, you will come to the realisation that only those who have truly understood the value of genuine, unselfish service are able to find true contentment in life.
Innovation 3-5
What prevents you from being the genuine leader that you are? from assisting others and making a positive impact on society? Maybe you don't think you have enough to give back because you don't feel like you have enough yourself. Well, the majority of individuals never feel comfortable because they are always afraid of losing their jobs, their money, their spouses, their health, and so on. The only genuine security in life comes from understanding that you are always developing yourself, raising the bar of who you are, and adding value to your organisation, friends, and family. And the biggest reward appears when you are kind in hard times. Why? You will tell your brain that there is more than enough if you contribute, even when you feel like you have very little. You may make the transition from a world of scarcity to one of abundance.
Innovation 6-8
Are you a leader in your own mind? Someone who comprehends human motivations and how to maximise impact on others and on oneself to realise a better vision for humanity at every level? By this criteria, you might not, but that is the first step to narrowing the slight discrepancy between your current impact level and where you know, deep down, it should be. Your communication style is one of the minor adjustments you may make to the way you offer to others. You can improve your performance by two millimetres by doing things like developing rapport, interpreting body language, and employing empowering terminology. You will gain from it as well! The quality of our life is ultimately determined by how we interact with others and with ourselves.
Innovation 9-10
You come to mind when other people hear the word "leader." You have developed the capacity to make an immediate impression and inspire others to change for the better over time. It's a rare talent, so treasure it! And most importantly, put it to use. If you do not routinely train it, it will deteriorate much like a muscle. As this is one of your strengths, you are well equipped to help others. If you keep giving, you'll keep experiencing the happiness and fulfilment you are right now for a very long time.
Total Result
result calculation of the total in a percentage
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